Tag: Homeschooling

Advice For Parents

Advice For Parents

As I wrote in the story of my homeschool journey, taking our son out of public school wasn’t a quick or easy decision. My advice for parents begins with the acknowledgement that becoming a homeschool teacher overnight is daunting. It’s not just re-learning some of the material (I forgot A LOT over the years!), you’ll also have to create a curriculum or implement an existing one, neither of which is easy. It helps to take it one step at a time and know that it is absolutely doable.


Spend time watching how your child learns and note his/her interests, strengths, and weaknesses. This will help you create an effective teaching plan and daily schedule.


There will be trial and error in this process. Stay flexible and be willing to adapt as needed. Doing this helped me discover new homeschool strategies and overcome the challenges.

For example, my son doesn’t like reading fiction, which made up the bulk of reading he was expected to do. It was a near daily battle to get him to focus and get it done. So, he asked if he could alternate by reading fiction one day and something non-fiction the next, and I agreed. I fought far fewer battles and he spent more time reading. Double bonus!

Present Alternatives

Know that every day can be different in terms of focus, motivation, and confidence. Have some back up activities, like creative arts or cooking ready to go. It helps shift the mood and may help them be more receptive to other subjects later in the day.

Have fun

Brainstorm ideas with your child about how to structure the home classroom. Let them help you come up with activities and ask them to think about how they learn best. Then, incorporate those ideas into your workspace and lesson plans.

For example, we let our son choose his desk and many of his school and art supplies. I had him help me organize our workspace, deciding where shelves and posters were placed, and what would be organized in drawers and cabinets. When he said he needed visual reminders and asked for a cork board to post his schedules and lists, he got to pick the one he wanted. It amazed me how much this helped him feel more in control and engaged in his education.

Find Solutions

Every challenge is an opportunity to teach new skills. Sometimes difficulty learning a concept, or planning how to complete an assignment or project, can be solved by coming up with a different approach.

For example, even small assignments overwhelmed my son because he struggled to envision how he’d get started (let alone finish). So, for the first two years I would go over each assignment with him and break them down into a series of easy to follow steps. This made things manageable because he only had to focus on one thing at a time. By year three he could do this on his own for many assignments, which was fantastic to see!

If tests and quizzes cause anxiety, a weekly review with a few practice questions (or redoing a few lessons) can help identify and reinforce trouble spots. The repetition can also bolster their confidence.


Find local homeschool groups and take advantage of the local resources they offer. Many groups have decades of experience among their members, and they know all the best places to find materials, assistance, tutoring, and extra-curricular classes.

Speak to other homeschooling parents to see what advice and wisdom they can share. This is also a great way to make new friends for you and your child.


Experts can be incredible sources of information and support, but my advice to parents is to trust your instincts. Never hesitate to question what you’re being told if it doesn’t seem right or isn’t a good fit. Overall, the homeschool program we picked has been great, but the occasional assignment or requirement didn’t work for my son. When that happened, I reached out and collaborated with the Distance Learning administrators to come up with alternatives. Remember, you know your child best and what works for other children might not work for yours.


Teaching Resources To Help Parents

Teaching Resources To Help Parents

Here are some of my favourite teaching resources. Even though my son’s homeschool program followed the provincial curriculum, I sometimes needed additional help coming up with extra materials to supplement those provided. These are some of the links I found helpful:

  • Khan Academy  – This is an excellent source for lessons on nearly every subject and grade, and most (if not all) of the content is free.
  • Teachers Pay Teachers – Most of the materials available here are not free, but it is created by teachers and there is a good selection that is reasonably priced. I found it to be one of the best places to find unique or specific lesson plans, activities, and project ideas.
  • Calendarpedia – Though this site doesn’t have teaching resources, I found this to be a great free source of downloadable and editable calendars you can use for schedules, physical activity or reading logs.
  • Special Needs Homeschooling – A site that focuses on resources for families homeschooling kids with ADHD, Autism, learning disorders, or other special needs.
  • Tripsavvy’s Virtual Field Trips – Designed for kids of all ages, Tripsavvy has information on 15 locations that offer virtual tours.
  • Smithsonian Learning Lab – This amazing museum offers a wide variety of virtual resources, including: millions of digital images, recordings, texts, and videos in history, art and culture, and the sciences.
  • Funbrain – A collection of free educational games, comics, books, and videos for children in Kindergarten to Grade 8.
  • Storyline Online – This is a fun resource for virtual story time, especially for the little ones. From their website: “The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Daytime Emmy®-nominated and award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Oprah Winfrey, Chris Pine, Kristen Bell, Rita Moreno, Viola Davis, Jaime Camil, Kevin Costner, Lily Tomlin, Sarah Silverman, Betty White, Wanda Sykes and dozens more.”


My Homeschool Journey

My Homeschool Journey

People are often surprised when they find out I homeschool my son (aka, The Boy), even though it’s gaining in popularity and enjoying wider acceptance­—especially now in the wake of Covid-19. I’m often asked why I made that decision, and my answer is simple: my son wasn’t thriving in public school and I decided he needed a different environment. Of course, the events leading up to us making that decision weren’t so simple.

As first-time parents, we gave little thought to what our son’s future school years would look like. We just assumed he’d skate through the public system like we did. Neither my husband nor I particularly liked school or did well, but we got through it. I hoped it would be different for The Boy, but it wasn’t.

From the time he started to walk and explore his world, The Boy was an explosive little force to be reckoned with 24/7. We were both proud so of him, if a bit nervous about what his determined and oppositional personality was going to mean down the road as he got older. We faced many challenges raising him, throughout all facets of life at home and in public. Those first few years were filled with highs and lows that mirrored our son’s extreme behaviour swings. In hindsight, it should have been obvious to us that it wouldn’t be easy for him to integrate into the school system.

Kindergarten orientation was our first “uh oh” moment. The teachers pulled us aside and said something along the lines of “he’s different”, “not like his peers”, “language delay”, and other ominous sounding labels that made me feel I’d been punched in the gut. They suggested we get him assessed as soon as possible, and one even mentioned she thought he might be Autistic. Shocked and worried doesn’t begin to describe how we felt while we stood there amongst all the “normal” kids and their smiling parents.

In the months between orientation and the first day of school, I started researching Autism and what the options were to get The Boy assessed. I felt like I was drowning in medical journals, child development studies, and being pulled down further by the incomprehensible red tape of Government websites that were supposed to be there to help and support parents. What we learned is that there was one path to having a child assessed in our then province of Quebec, and the wait list was about three years. So, we put our name on the list and hoped for the best.

The first week of Kindergarten was pretty good—and then it all fell apart spectacularly. The Boy was disruptive, hitting other kids, having full on meltdowns in class, refusing to listen, refusing to participate in activities, and coming home crying, angry, or miserable. It seemed like the school called every other day, telling me he had done something that required me to go pick him up. It was horrible, and the worst part was we had no idea how to help him.

Within a month, we decided we needed an assessment immediately. Fortunately, we found a Clinical Psychologist who specialized in Child Developmental Disorders and had our first appointment within a week. After a classroom observation visit, she was ready to give us a diagnosis: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), along with a suspected language delay. Finally, we had something to work with going forward.

Having a diagnosis turned out to be the key we needed. It helped narrow down the kind of research I needed to focus on, and once I started, I was amazed at how I identified all the struggles we’d had in the medical literature. It wasn’t long before I realized we needed to throw out all our assumptions about how to be parents and start over from scratch. I’ll write more about this part of the journey in a separate post. For now, back to The Boy’s school journey…

With the help of his pediatrician, his psychologist, and a language therapist, things became more manageable at school. There were still outbursts, meltdowns, and conflicts with other kids, but much less frequent. We developed good working relationships with his teachers and the Principal, as well as the daycare staff (in Quebec, we were able to opt into a $10 per day daycare plan that covered supervision before and after school as well as recess and lunch). In truth, it was manageable because the school was able to put a resource worker as a kind of shadow for The Boy whenever he was out of class. This helped avert many problems before they started, and we were content to keep him there because he seemed happier.

So, from K-4 things settled into a kind of status-quo. However, The Boy was always aware he wasn’t like most kids. He didn’t quite fit in, had few friends, and was embarrassed to face his peers and teachers after he had outbursts he couldn’t control. Though he did have a few good and kind friends who stood by him no matter what, it wasn’t ideal and we knew it. We started thinking about homeschool early on, but in Quebec at the time there weren’t any viable homeschool options.

Fast forward to Grade 5-6 and a move to a new Province—beautiful British Columbia. We were excited to be back home and with our families, but I was worried about how The Boy would adjust to a new school. I wanted to be wrong in thinking it would be a disaster. I hoped that starting over fresh in a new school, where none of the kids knew his history, would be somehow magical and make it all work out. Alas, it did not.

With near daily calls from the school about The Boy’s disruptive behaviour, there was one day in February during Grade 6 where he nearly destroyed his classroom. When I got there, he was hiding in the playground and screaming that he wasn’t going back. I managed to get him home and made my decision—it would be his last day at that school.

I would like to note here that as difficult as things were, through it all the teachers, principals, and support staff were nothing short of fantastic. They went above and beyond to try and accommodate The Boy and help him any way they could. They wanted it to work. Even after that horrible day, when I told the principal I’d decided to try homeschool, she thought maybe we weren’t there yet. However, we were there, and I wasn’t going to force The Boy to continue in an environment that made him so unhappy.

At first, The Boy was not pleased about the switch. He felt that homeschool would make him more isolated and provide fewer opportunities to make friends. He felt that it would make him more likely to be teased by the neighbourhood kids, and he had a lot of anxiety about it.

I had anxiety too. Having been a terrible student, I didn’t know if I would be a good teacher. I’m so fortunate that the program we chose was the same curriculum he’d been following in public school, and so it was more about executing the program rather than creating it. Now that was something I could do! As a Controller, I’d spent years doing that with various systems and procedures at work, and quickly realized those skills would be all I needed to get started with a new homeschool program.

And so, there you have it—an overview of my story and how we made the transition to homeschool. It hasn’t been perfect, and it hasn’t been easy, but now as I look at my fifteen year old getting ready to reintegrate into public school for Grade 10, I am confident that we made the right decision. I couldn’t be happier with how it all turned out.

Schedules, Routines, and Deadlines

Schedules, Routines, and Deadlines

One of the more challenging aspects of homeschooling, especially when following a heavy curriculum like we were, is keeping up with the workload. Having homeschool schedules helped my son and I stay on track and stop worrying that we might fall behind.


Term Schedules

This is the homeschool schedule that I considered the most important, because it was the ultimate deadline guide. No matter what, the lessons, assignments, quizzes, and tests had to be completed by the term end date.

The school was flexible here however, and did allow things to carry forward until the end of the year deadline, but I decided that wasn’t an option for us. My reason was that we had so much material to cover that falling behind would too stressful and start interfering with evenings, weekends, and holidays, which I didn’t want. I also felt that it was important for my son to learn the importance of respecting and meeting deadlines, as this will be something he’ll be dealing with a lot as an adult in the workplace. This is simply what worked for us in our situation, and may not be the right approach for everyone.

While our school did provide a guideline for what should be handed in each term, I needed something more detailed. So, I fired up my spreadsheet software and devised a schedule. I created one worksheet within the spreadsheet for each term. I’ve uploaded a sample one I made for Grade 8 here in case it might be helpful. Please feel free to download and use it if you think it might work for you:

Four Term Assignment Schedule.xlsx


Daily/Weekly Schedule

I like using daily and weekly homeschool schedules that are easy to edit and customize. I created one each week with two goals: work required and a rough timeline per subject. That said, I was happy to let my son work according to his needs and motivation, and shift the daily goals if needed. As long as he made progress every day and finished all or most of his work for the week by Friday, I counted it as a success.

The following is a sample of our typical schedule. I modified a nifty Weekly Schedule from Calendarpedia and added a Goals list that detailed what my son needed to be working on. It helped us both stay organized and on track. I’ve uploaded a copy here, that you are free to download and use:

Daily Weekly Schedule.xlsx


Set the Homeschool Rules

Set the Homeschool Rules

A few weeks into my homeschool journey, I learned the importance of clearly defined homeschool rules. Taking the time to come up with a simple list, along with contracts that spell out the obligations and expectations, helps in several ways:

1: It provides a framework to build on the daily routine

2: It reduces the chance for misunderstandings

3: Outlining the rewards and consequences up front helps keep both sides motivated

Here I’ve provided links to download free printables of the contracts I created for our family. I liked knowing he understood what I expected of him, and he liked knowing I had homeschool rules to follow too!

Homeschool Expectations and Obligations.docx

Homeschool Contract.docx

First Step Resources

First Step Resources


Making the decision to transition to homeschool* isn’t always easy. As parents we want the best for our children, and for many kids the public school system works well and many kids do thrive. However, for kids like my son who don’t, or for parents who wish to be more hands on with their child’s education, homeschool can be an excellent choice. Here I share some first step resources.

My main piece of advice when starting out is to talk to as many people as possible. Speak to teachers, school administrators, and other homeschooling parents. If your child is followed by a specialist, such as a psychologist, therapist, councellor then they too can be a good sounding board for advice on how to transition from public school. There are also many parent groups on Facebook, for example, that will allow you to connect with people locally and all over the world. Experienced homeschool parents, especially those in your area, can be an invaluable source of information on what programs and resources are available.

My Favourite First Step Resources

These were the main sources I used when researching the homeschooling options available in my province of British Columbia. Please note that I have not included links to other jurisdictions because I can’t vouch for their accuracy, but any country, province, or state that allows or offers homeschooling as an option should have similar resources for parents.

  • B.C. Government Classroom Alternatives – In my province, the Government has two homeschool options available to parents: Distance Learning and Homeschool. Online Distributed (Distance) Learning is overseen by certified teachers and students follow the same curriculum as students in public school and qualifies them to receive a graduation certificate. Homeschooling is not overseen by a certified teacher and does not qualify students to receive a graduation certificate.
  • B.C. Schools that offer Homeschooling options – A curated list of schools in British Columbia that have distance learning programs.
  • B.C. Ministry of Education: Curriculum – This is a detailed description of the current B.C. Curriculum. Regardless of which homeschooling program you choose, it’s helpful to see what the learning guidelines and expectations are for each grade level.


*Note: I use the terms homeschool and homeschooling to mean education that is completed at home, not the specific homeschool program available in British Columbia.


Science Resources

Science Resources

These are a few of my go to science resources. I found all of them helpful for me in teaching, and for my son in practicing various concepts.




Social Studies and History Resources

Social Studies and History Resources


Though our homeschool program included many lessons on each topic, my son was expected to do additional research, especially for projects and assignments. Many of these Social Studies and History resources regularly appeared in his bibliographies, as a testament to how often he used them:


  • History for Kids – Good site to use when researching specific topics as the information is easy to search for and understand.
  • Britannica Online – This is a very good place to start when looking to research specific topics.
  • Crash Course Video Series – Offers fun, enjoyable, and easy to understand videos covering Big History, European History, Government, Mythology, U.S. History, and World History.
  • Ducksters Education Site: History for Kids – This site covers Ancient History, World History, and U.S. History.
  • Canadian History – Comprehensive information about Canadian History and Heritage.



English and Writing Resources

English and Writing Resources

Some of my favourite English writing resources for homeschool, including links to some of the best loved classic novels that are now free in the public domain. I have also included some printables that I created that are free to download and use.


In addition to the English writing resources for homeschool, here are a couple of my custom printables. Over the years I created a few anchor charts to give my son a quick visual reference for several key concepts and elements of creative writing. They are all free to download and use.

Figurative Language Devices Anchor Chart 

The 5 Step Writing Process 

Math Resources

Math Resources


Here is my collection of math resources to help at homeschool. I feared this subject the most when we started homeschooling, but to my great relief, there are many terrific places to find help. Whether you need explanations of various concepts, or extra practice worksheets, these are some of my go to resources:
  • WCLN.CA Math Videos – These were the video lessons most often used by my son’s homeschool program. Their website also allows you search by grade level and keyword.
  • YouTube – an excellent place to try for specific math lessons. Most searches returned several videos that were helpful, and being able to filter by view count to narrow down the most popular ones saves time.
  • Free Math Worksheets– Free printable Math Activity and Practice worksheets for Grades 1-6.
  • Free Math Drills and Worksheets – Free printable Math worksheets with answer key included. I used these often and found them to be great for weekly practice as well as a refresher after Spring and Summer breaks.
  • PHET Simulations – Free interactive simulations for practicing math concepts.
  • Photomath – This smart phone app is brilliant! One click provides detailed answers to just about any math equation. Our homeschool program didn’t always give me an answer key, leaving me to hope I hadn’t made a mistake in my calculations. Photomath saved me so much time and assured me I had the correct answers. Note that I have only used the free version, and recommend this app with the caveat that their pop up ads can be annoying.